Clever software that creates structure and accountability for your Board.

  Save time with all your key documents in one place

  Improve your management of risk

  Protect yourself from what you don't know you didn't know

Risk register and Board meetings Image

"We're really loving the Governance360 platform here at Cartwheel Arts. I've had great feedback from my board, particularly around the risk register but also the user-friendly interface. For the staff team, it's a new way of working but also provides a central place with independent logins so that everyone can feel confident in what they need to read and be aware of for upcoming board and task group meetings. The team at Governance360 have also been wonderful to work with."

Becky Smyllie Operations & Development Manager, Cartwheel Arts

If your Board looks like this today...

Board documents lacking structure

You can never find the right document at the right time

Email wasn't designed as a board management solution.  Nor being honest were Dropbox, Sharepoint or Google Drive (fine products though they are). 

You can never find what you are looking for, version control is a major issue and everyone has their own view on how to structure things.  And you fear for the person that steps into your shoes when you leave, after all, what might they find?

Taking chances with Risk image

Risk management is an afterthought

You (probably) have a Risk Register...

But you never find time to discuss it properly at the Board.  You always run out of time, haven't got the latest copy in front of you, or it is stored on someone's laptop (and they have got frustrated continually sending an update to you).

Risk is too important a topic to ignore isn't it? And you don't want to gamble now, do you?

Jumbled board structure

Your basic board accountability is a mess

Remembering what needs doing when and why can be overwhelming. Particularly when it isn't your day job and you've got 30 minutes a month to fix things! 

Or you are replacing the person that did it for 20 years before you.  Use our simple Action features to build a consistent cadence to your Board activities. 

Saving you time - and pain!

If so then you need Governance360

Simple to use, easy to learn and quick to implement.  We get most organisations up and running in less than 45 minutes and our unique Success Plan approach means we make the platform work for you and drive results.  What do you have to lose?

Board Meetings Image

Store your board minutes, policies and documents in one, secure, place.

Risk Register Image

The 21st century way to create, manage and view your Risk Register.

Action Register Image

Action-driven tools to help remember, and manage, the basics.

Governance360 Academy Courses Image

CPD accredited, easy to use, learning for Directors new and old.

Meet your new business partner, saving you time every day

As a Leader (whether a paid or voluntary role), good board governance is a key part of your responsibilities, not least given your statutory role and responsibilities. 

Too often though, these aspects are dominated by more operational issues and it is hard to find the time to "see the wheat from the chaff"...

Governance360 has been built by award-winning Company Directors and Charity Trustees who faced the same problems you (probably) do, which included:

  • Lack of money for anything new

  • Lack of time to waste it on trying new things

  • Seeking to improve their own Board processes and effectiveness and provide a succession path for those that followed

Not wanting to be the next scandal, nor let their organisation fail out of simple inefficiency, they set out to solve it with simple, workflow software produced by them to solve their day to day issues.  Award-winning Governance360 is the result.

Sleep easier at night - let Governance360 help save you time, de-risk you and your team and make basic structure and process stick. 

What do you have to lose?

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How do you hold your Board Meetings today?

Is there no real structure to Board processes:

  • Using email to circulate papers (not a suitable Board meeting tool – certainly not for workflow!)
  • Or (unstructured) cloud storage tools.  Cheap storage but not really a single source of truth or actions
  • Lacking workflow and hard to find key papers and documents?

Why not create a single source of truth for your Board with Governance360? Digitise your board process, save time and money by uploading things once. Securely allow external Trustees and Board Members access your documents without having to set them up on internal systems. Easy to use, quick to set-up and built by people who have stood in your shoes themselves.

How well is your Risk managed today?

Is management of risk poorly focused with:

  • Never enough time in meetings (always left to the end?)

  • Usually ‘sat with’ one person to manage (often on their laptop in Excel). 

  • Difficult to find the last copy of the Risk Register (if  you have one), or know whether it is up to date?

Use Governance360 to identify, assess and mitigate risks effectively with our comprehensive risk register builder. Whether this is your first attempt at building a Risk Register, or your 100th, let our wizard-driven tool take the strain.

Improve the visibility of your risks and actively manage them better as the whole team has easy and anytime access. 

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Worried about Board effectiveness, skills and general compliance?

Do your Board meetings focus on the smaller things, not the ‘big stuff’ you are in place to manage?

  • There are no suitable, affordable training tools for the Board to upskill themselves
  • Or provide to new Board members to ensure they know what to do when they join?
  • With so many stakeholders board members you can often feel exposed at times by the gaps in your knowledge

Solve these problems and more with Compliance Actions by Governance360 and our own learning solution, Academy.  Practical, bite-sized digital learning for Directors, new and old.  Simple, easy to follow tips on how to be a better Director/Trustee, run a board, manage risk and more.

(Modules include 10 with CPD accreditation)

"We’ve been using the Governance360 board portal since the start of the pandemic to manage our board meetings and processes.  It has helped us be more efficient, more process-driven and customer service has been fast and efficient. "
Part-time Company Secretary
Leading Regional Charity
"As the CEO of a venture backed, growing company, Governance360 hits the mark. Simple to use, saves me time, helps me report to my shareholders on progress and a perfect base to show any future incoming shareholders how well run we aim to be. Perfect!"
Steven Greenall
Founder & CEO, Warwick Music Ltd

"Governance360 has built a set of practical, hands-on tools perfect for any entrepreneur looking to build a sustainable and resilient business. I've found this is a hidden, but crucial area of content that has greatly improved the delivery of programmes under our care - I would fully recommend this to other accelerator and incubation managers out there."

John Cooke
Entrepreneur in Residence, Bruntwood SciTech