Sports Governing Bodies

Governance360 provides simple to use tools to help Governing Bodies manage and support overall governance, both at Governing Body level and within grassroots sports (Clubs, Regions and more).

Protect Your Reputation

Ultimately the reputation of a Sport's Governing Body is at stake if a Member organisation has any issues.

Such scandals not only damage your Sport and harm your stakeholders but in an organisational perspective hit your funding capability, access to resources and potentially your very existence.

As an National Governing Body you know how Members should operate and what best practice is, plus you have a crucial role to develop and empower your Clubs and wider volunteers.

Conceptual image of businessteam working cohesively. Interaction and unity

Support Your Members & Protect Volunteers

Governance360 can ensure your Member organisations are doing the right things to avoid and mitigate any potential issues. By supporting volunteers with best practice guidelines you make their roles easier and more enjoyable which in turn stimulates more and better volunteer participation.

You can positively support and simplify your Members’ tasks using our Partner plans - standardise Actions, Education and Returns for example. 

To help your Members embrace the solution Governance360 has a meetings portal to simplify and secure the sharing of documents for committee meetings. This on its own will be valuable to your Members, but when combined with the additional support you can provide to your many volunteers will give them peace of mind and provide even more value from their membership of your governing body.

Good Governance - Without Interfering

Governance 360 has training and best practice governance actions that can be centrally deployed to all Members and then monitored for adoption.  This is particularly important when volunteers are taking responsibility as they change regularly and may be unaware of the risks they should be managing. 

The continual access to bite sized, online training, and your ability to monitor adoption and usage of best practice, significantly helps the Governing Body to manage the entire organisation’s risks, whilst not having to interfere at a Member level. A genuine win / win for all involved.

Discover features & feedback of our platform for sport bodies

Download a short, two-page summary of our platform, its key features and a relevant testimonial from a sport governing body using the app for its ongoing board management.